The Modern Family Boutique respects your privacy. Any information given to us will NEVER be sold to a third party and used for the purposes of letting you know of upcoming savings, store events and special appreciation days we host at our location or as an online event. We value you as our customer.
Shop By Brand
- 3 Sprouts
- A Little Lovely Company
- Ambler
- Anointment
- Aston Baby
- Au Fait Mama
- B.Box
- Bababing
- Babiators
- Baby Banz
- Baby Wisp
- Badger
- BapronBaby
- Beba Bean
- Beco
- BeginAgain
- Belan.J
- Belly Bandit
- Beluga Baby
- Bibs
- Bink
- BKind
- Blonde Ambition
- Bougie Babies
- Bowen Co.
- Bravado Designs
- Brok Boys
- Care Plus
- Chimparoo
- Classy Cards
- Clek
- Coco Village
- Colibri
- Cuddle & Kind
- Curated For You
- Delish Naturals
- Doddle & Co.
- Earth Mama Organics
- Element Botanicals
- Fellow Human
- Five + Pines
- Fred
- Freedom Moses
- Fridababy
- Fridamom
- Haakaa
- Havaianas
- Headster
- Healing Amber
- Hedgehug Shoes
- Hopalo
- Hoppa
- Hurraw! Lip Balm
- Hydro Flask
- Imagine Perry
- Itzy Ritzy
- Jan & Jul
- Janod
- Jax & Lennon
- Jellycat
- Jem Designs
- Juddlies
- K'pure Naturals
- K's Design Co.
- Kan Can
- Kangoo and Cie
- Kiddikutter
- Kindred Bravely
- Knot Sew Simple
- Kokom Scrunchies
- Kyte Baby
- L&P Apparel
- Lake & Oak Tea Co.
- Lamington
- Lassig
- Like OMG!
- Little and Lively
- Little Lunch Box Co.
- Little May Papery
- Little Rowe
- Little Stocking Co.
- Loot Toys
- Lottie Belles Bowtique
- Loulou Lollipop
- Love Designs
- Lox Lion
- Lucy Darling
- Lulujo
- M Coat
- MantraBand
- Mary Meyer Baby
- Mason Jar Lids
- Matraea Trading
- Milestone Cards
- Milkin' More
- Minikoioi
- Modern Family Threads
- Momzelle
- Montii
- Munchables
- Munchbox
- Mushie
- Mushy Books
- My Carry Potty
- Naked Nursing Tank
- Native Shoes
- Natursutten
- Nest Designs
- New Genes Maternity
- Nixit
- Nooks
- Noüka
- Nuggles
- Oko Creations
- Oneberrie
- Original Sprout
- Padraig Cottage
- Paper Airplane
- Parade Organics
- Parkland
- Pearhead
- Pedaller Designs
- Penny Scallan Design
- Petunia Pickle Bottom
- Piggy Paint
- Posh & Cozy
- Punkin Butt
- Pura
- Purple Kitten
- Rascal Remedies
- Razbaby
- Re-Play
- Real Shades
- Ro Sham Bo
- Robeez
- Rockahula
- S'well
- Salt Water Sandals
- Scoot & Ride
- See Kai Run
- Silkberry Baby
- Skip Hop
- Small Print Okanagan
- Só Luxury
- Sock It To Me
- Sondr
- Souris Mini
- SoYoung
- Spilt Milk Baby Co
- Spoke & Pedal
- Squeasy Gear
- Stonz
- Strider
- Sugarbooger
- Sun Bum
- Swaddle Me
- Swig
- The Hazel Collection
- The OVer Company
- Therm
- Think
- Tiny Human Supply Co.
- Tiny Needle
- Tiny Twinkle
- Top Hat and Monacle
- Trendy Peas
- Tuffo
- Two Chicks and a Hen
- Viga
- Vim & Vigr
- Wexford Candle Co.
- Wild & Wolf
- Wild and Free Design Co
- Wubbanub
- Yellow Bird Paper Greetings
- YogaSleep
- YS Creations Co
- Yumbox
- Zip Top
- Zoli
- Zoocchini
Thank you for spending the time with us. We appreciate you!